Monday, August 13, 2007

June House Report and Board Activities

Katrina reported that June was a busy month with the kids out of school for the summer.

The House is starting a new morning program for neighborhood kids. There are computer classes from 10:00-11:00 am.

The House received financial help from Southern Hills Baptist Church and a huge clothing donation from Memorial High School and the Spirit of Oasis.

Wendi reported that the Hille Foundation approved a grant of $10,000 for an ESL and Family Literacy program for parents of Marshall Elementary. The program will begin this school year and will provide ESL classes. It will also encourage parents to support literacy at home and to be involved in their children's education. Classes will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church. Transportation, childcare and snacks will all be provided using grant money.

The Marshall Elementary digital sign is up and running at 56th and Peoria. This sign was paid for with TPS bond money and a grant from the Hlle Foundation. It displays school and community information. Jim reported that he has found a sponsor for a new fence for the "corner park" project at 56th and Peoria. He is currently looking into options for landscaping of the park.

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